Meditation is a way for us to be still within our mind, body, soul, and spirit especially when we are so focused on our external environment verses our internal environment. Also it is a tool to help us to reconnect with our consciousness. Meditation has been scientifically proven to help with management of stress, anxiety, depression, lowers blood pressure, strengthens immunity, improves memory, and increases self-awareness. Meditation has been around for thousands of years and various religions use meditation as a tool for spiritual practices to help us to be more mindful of being peaceful, joy, practicing unconditional love, and being non-judgemental. Ayurveda an ancient vedic practice from India also includes meditation and yoga as apart of its practices for the mind, body, and soul connection.
Today there are various meditation studios in major cities around the world, also meditation teachers are offering or giving free guided meditation to help their community who indirectly need this tool because so many people are going through different changes within their lives whether it may be positive or negative and need to find themselves in the stillness of living a busy lifestyle.
The increase of practicing mindfulness has created the need for not only certain workplaces offering their employees to learn and practice meditation as using it in helping them to manage their stress levels to maintain work and home life balance for overall wellbeing has become essential for creating more productivity efficiency within the workplace.
Stress has a major impact on our mind, body and soul system. However a lot of us fail to notice the signs of stress until it affects our bodies especially our health and well-being. This is when the fight-flight- freeze response alerts us that we are danger and we need to figure how we are to survive when we under attack from a stress response. This response is a primitive response from our ancestors which helped with their survival instinct in the wild.
Sometimes there is an emotion behind stress a lot tend to hide such as anger, frustration, fear and many other negative emotions. One negative emotion affects our mind, body, soul system because nothing is separate and everything is interconnected. Meditation can be used to help us get to the root of our problems by going within ourselves and being still within our mind and allowing the emotions we are going through to be addressed and as a result helps to release the emotions we are feeling.
Also some people when stress tend to eat a lot or less food when suffering from stress whether it maybe healthy or unhealthy foods which ultimately affect our gut. During the process of going through stress our bodies prohibits us from absorbing the nutrients we need in order to function as apart of our overall well-being. Through using meditation it can help to release the stressors on our bodies by increasing circulation and as a result help us with the absorption of nutrients we need in order to be productive.
In conclusion stress will never go away also there is a positive side of stress such as starting new job, graduating from school, starting a family, moving to a new city or country. Meditation is a great tool to help us with both the positive and negative stress we go through with in our lives and the environment we live in.